Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Back...with a whimper

Yup, am back from Delhi. What a freaking trip! Remember my last post? Well, the very next day I was hit hard by a flu virus. A couple of days later Danny was down with viral fever. He became super clingy and refused to go to anyone. I finally gave up and asked M to come take us back. We came back today morning. M? he is my hero now. Hyderabad to Delhi is a 24 hour train journey. M took a train Saturday morning. Reached Delhi Sunday morning. We left for Hyderabad Monday morning and reached today morning and He left for work!

The one good thing about this trip was that I was able to meet my BFF after 2 years!

Today is the 12th right? I need toupdate you guys about my weight gain progress. Here it is. I LOST, yup LOST 2 lbs! Great eh? Skinny momma and skinny Danny have just become skinnier. sigh. Hope this coming month is better

I am going to catch up on all your blogs in the next few days. Must say I missed you people :)


Tracy said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, that's not a train ride, that's an odyssey. Glad you're feeling at least well enough to check in and hope you keep mending well.
Good to have you back. Eat a stick of butter! ;)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't believe a 24 hour train ride! To me,that would be torture but I've also been on a 21 hr flights so what's a few more hours? I hope you get better soon - you need my chicken soup!

We love the dear ones, but sometimes when you're not feeling your best, it's hard to have them cling on to you when you just want to rest yourself.

a field of dreams said... Best Blogger Tips

I heard the train system in India is pretty full on. Hope you rest and get better soon now that you are home. And Happy Birthday!