This is home isn't it? This blog? This space? I was away for way to long. I thought somebody had hacked my account (whenever I tried to open my blog it said this blog has been removed) but I got it back. I have had trouble posting and commenting as I am using my phone but I came out to a cafe because I need to reconnect. I have to make this quick as I have to go pick Danny from his school.
* I finally went to see a doctor for my depression and and anxiety. The situation had become so bad that I went 5 days without eating, it was almost like my mind was trying to kill my body. I am on medication and healing.
* M cancelled our adoption process in December. He wanted to TTC. So we did. Five failed cycles later, we were supposed to start three medicated (Clomid) cycles last month. But M fell it with Epidytimis (spl?) So now I don't know where we are. We need to wait for a few months before we TTC again. But there is a fear that the infection he had might have had bad impact on his swimmers. We will see. Right now, I am in a limbo. I don't even know if I want another baby! I am so done TTC but M wants to TTC. and adoption is out till we try these three cycles. Can you imagine? I am waiting for the next 3 cycles to fail actually.
* Danny is doing great! I love him to bits. He is completely potty trained hurrayyyy.
There is so much more I want to share. Hope somebody is around.