Friday, July 15, 2011

Bad Mother?

I really really needed to read this today. Was feeling like bad mother, a failure. Then I read this.

Your children are lucky to have you as a mom, because no one else could do it the same way as you.

You are special being you! You are good enough being yourself. Until you get that, all of your parenting will be hard and will suffer.

If you believe that you are not good enough, your children will pick up on that thought and believe they are not good enough either. Is that what you want? I didn't think so. So, you have to believe in yourself right now.

I am a good enough mom.I am a great mom, being myself.I am the perfect mom for my children right now.

So, you don't believe it yet? Well, that's because you may not be expressing that perfection that you are, as of yet. But the first step is in realizing and believing that deep inside, the real, authentic you IS good enough, perfect enough, enough, enough, enough, just the way you are. You don't have to go changing a thing.

Write those affirmations above out, three times. And then read them outloud, three times, even if you don't believe them yet. Because, the more you say them, the closer you will get to believing them. And then, when you are being yourself in your mothering, it WILL be perfect, perfectly YOU!

And your children will see that you are good enough and perfect being yourself. Which, in turn, helps them to believe that they are good enough being themselves.

If you want your mothering to be fun, easy and fulfilling, BE YOURSELF! Without conditions, without judgments, just BE YOURSELF! And then it won't matter what the Jones' or the Smiths' are doing or saying, because you are being yourself and that is the greatest thing in the world!
What others do and say is their responsibility and what you do and say is yours.

There are many parenting experts out there that feed on your fears of not being enough. Time has come to claim your own power back. To stop listening to the experts and listen to YOURSELF. You have your own perfect and good enough answers within. And it is time to discover them.

The idea of the perfect mom is gone. It is time to replace it with the idea of the perfect you. The best you can do is your best, until you decide to do better. And then it is your choice, not the choice of a "should" or a "mother-in-law" or "your neighbor" or even your "spouse".
Comparing will get you no where! How could you even compare an apple and an orange? Each one is fundamentally different. Yes, they are both fruit and yes, you and your neighbor are both moms, but each one is unique and special in their own way. YOU are unique and special in your own way!

I am unique and special being me!I am good enough! I am great!I love myself for being myself!I deserve fun, easy and fulfilling parenting!My children deserve a fun, easy and fullfilled mom!


DareDevil said... Best Blogger Tips

It is good post. I think every mom in the world needs to hear this at one point in their motherhood!

My baby loves jumping, he got that from his jumperoo. Recently we went to see a game, and my cutesy was jumping on my lap. Everyone else besides us were watching him and playing with him and I was happy that he was enjoying it. And then a stranger said 'You are not supposed to shake the baby'. My response was that 'He is jumping and he loves jumping' and stranger went on to say 'oh that's what it is', and few minutes later again said 'are you still bouncing that baby'. Oh he was so getting on my nerves. I swear, if he would have said one more thing, we would have gotten into some serious arguments.
Sometimes people forget social boundaries and start giving not asked for advice to others.
Did you just forget that I am his mom and I know what's best for him.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You ever notice that people only make those comments to women?

Anyway, great post!

jjiraffe said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this post, and needed to read this today.Thank you!!